Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Soy-free chickpea tofu (Shan Tofu, Burmese Tofu)

Yesterday I celebrated a premiere. It was the first time for me to make chickpea tofu. This tofu is also known as Shan Tofu or Burmese Tofu and is a traditional dish from Burma. In Burma they typically cut the chickpea tofu in equal cubes and fry the cubes in oil. Or they just it the tofu in a soup or cook the sliced tofu in a Burmese curry.
The chickpea tofu doesn’t look or taste like normal tofu but you can use it  the same way. For people who are allergic to soy, who don’t like soy or just want to reduce their soy consumption this tofu is a real enrichment.
Pan fried chickpea tofu
Recipe for one cake pan (26 cm x 16 cm x 2 cm)
150 g chickpea flour
900 ml water
½ tsp. Salt
neutral oil

Place the chickpea flour into a big bowl. Then slowly stir in half of the water and whisk until smooth.
Grease a baking dish (26 cm x 16 cm) with oil.
Now bring the remaining water to a boil in a shallow pot. Turn heat to medium high and carefully pour in the chickpea mixture into the simmering water. Stirring continuously until the mixture has thickened and is glossy, about 8 minutes.
Pour immediately into the prepared baking dish and let completely cool. The longer it sits, the more water will drain out and the firmer the tofu will get.
When the tofu is ready to consume you can cut it into cubes and fry in a non-stick pan with a little oil.

Chickpea tofu ready to use
By the heat the tofu will get soft. After frying just let it cool briefly and the tofu will become firmer again. Now you can dip the tofu cubes into soy sauce, eat them with fried vegetables, adding them to a soup or mix under a cooked curry. You also can eat the tofu cold (without frying before) in a salad or in a sandwich.
If you like your tofu in various flavors season the chickpea mixture before cooking. For example with garlic, bell pepper, basil, curry,…

I highly recommend you to experiment with the tofu so that you get an idea how multifarious it is! 

Love Ida - and never forget cooking is our passion! 

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